Bookworm’s Nook: “I have enjoyed sharing excellent books …”

Bookworm’s Nook

an avid reader’s perspective

Hello and welcome, Christy Garret!


Would you like to share a bit about yourself?

My name is Christy Garret, and I am the contributor for Uplifting Families (

My blog is dedicated to information regarding pregnancy, breastfeeding, parenting, and all things family
related.  The goal of my blog is to help other parents with real life

When did you fall in love with reading?

I always enjoyed a good book but rarely had the time to read them.  Over the
last few months, I needed another hobby to keep me busy so I finished
reading a few books that I had in my stack.  After finishing those books, I
found some great free books on Amazon to read.

What is your favorite genre?

I love a good book that keeps me interested and has a great story line.  My
favorite type of books are love stories, mystery, or books that are based on
real life situations.

What is your favorite part of reviewing books?

I have enjoyed sharing excellent books with others, why keep them to
yourself if you love them.  Right!

Do you prefer paperback books, e-books or both?

I actually prefer e-books, they take up less room in the house.  Plus they
are much easier to read why on the go.

Do you remember your first favorite paperback book?

My first paperback books that I can remember would have to be the Beverly
Cleary series about Ramona.

Do you remember the first e-book you purchased?

My first e-book that I purchased was “Choosing to See – A Journey of
Struggle and Hope” written by Mary Beth Chapman and Ellen Vaughn.  This is a
must read if you are a parent who has ever lost a child.

What, in your opinion, makes a writer one of “the greats?”

I love authors who can keep my attention during the entire book.  I tend to
choose books by their cover photo, so having a great cover photo that
instantly grabs my attention.

What types of characters do you find yourself relating to more than others
when reading?

I love characters who face real life problems head on and work to resolve

Are there books that you find yourself revisiting? (Either in your mind or
literally picking up the book to reread it again and again).

The Dram Road written by Louise Lawerence is a book that I read while in
college and I have kept the book on my book shelf.  In fact, I re-read it
again a few years ago.  I keep trying to get my daughter to read it because
it is a book that captures your attention and is filled with an action
packed story that leaves you wanting to read more and more.

Has a book ever brought you to tears? If so, what book, and why?

Choosing to See – A Journey of Struggle and Hope” written by Mary Beth
Chapman and Ellen Vaughn is a very touching story.  The Chapman’s choose to
share the story from 2008 when their older son accidently ran over their
daughter.  She didn’t recover from the accident.  It was a sad time but they
choose to see God’s bigger plan.

Has a book ever been so uplifting and inspiring, that it changed the way you
felt or your outlook on life?

I love reading Christian books when I am feeling down and out.  They always
give me a new perspective on life and make me realize that life is worth
living because of the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Do you ever find yourself more connected with the darker
characters/antagonists in the books you read?

I believe that darker characters have a certain role in some books but it
really depends on the story line and what the story is about.  I know that
darker characters have underlying real life issues that need to be resolved.
I don’t really feel connected to the darker characters in a book and often
hope that maybe they can see the difference in a positive character and
change.  But I know this isn’t always possible because people have to change
because they want to.

Think of your favorite book (or one of your favorites):

What songs would you
consider the perfect play list for this/these book(s)?

I love listening to upbeat, positive music.  In fact, my playlist always
consists of Christian music.


Thank you so much for sharing, Christy!

Connect with Christy at

  1. I can relate with the Christian books Christy. I find enlightenment when I read them, especially the Bible. Thanks a lot Christy and Rhonda for the inspiring interview!

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